Model型号:SL-M802D 所有线路通道Channel:8 立体声道Stereo:无 通道均衡Channel EQ:3Band 电源供电48V:√ 编组GROUP:无 效果EFFECT:16DSP 电脑USB(PC-USB):√(MP3端口输出) MP3 (USB接口):√ BT蓝牙:√ 主控EQ:无 辅助输出AUX:无 输出功放功率Power:350W,4R 消耗功率Power Consumption:15W 15W 其他特征Features:Imported components and imported audio processing

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Karaoke Store, headquartered in Johor, Malaysia, is a premier destination for all things karaoke. Our company specializes in offering top-of-the-line karaoke systems designed to bring the joy of singing and entertainment to homes, businesses, and entertainment venues alike.

With a commitment to providing high-quality audio-visual equipment and an extensive selection of karaoke music libraries, we cater to the diverse needs of our customers, ensuring unforgettable experiences for enthusiasts and professionals alike. Please contact us if you wish to know more about Power Mixer WYW HM603 .